April 3, 2009

War Resistor André Shepherd in Tübingen

On Saturday, March 28th, the local theater house in Tübingen, Germany hosted an evening with the war resistor André Shepherd. The play “My Brother Tom” from the director Bettina Erasmy was performed. The piece depicts two sisters in a reality TV show and their brother suffering the trials of war. A central message of the play was the maddening effects war has on the soldiers and their families. The brother Tom was missing in action and the two sisters entered a reality TV show competition, in order to win the prize of being allowed to join the war and search for their brother. A totally absurd concept which, however, demonstrates how war can make people do stupid and crazy things.
After the play the director, André Shepherd, Henning Zierock from Culture of Peace, some of the actors and I (from the Tübingen Progressive Americans conducted a panel discussion. About half of the 150 visitors remained for the discussion. André spoke of his decision for deserting from the US Army and how he came to apply for asylum in Germany. There was a lot of interest and support for his case and we discussed just what could be done to assist people who reject war.

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